Our Woodland Summer Update

Aug 6, 2024 | News

Our Director, David Lawlor, and Business Development Manager, Siobhan Murtagh, made a quick visit to our woodland while on route to meet some customers in June. We’re delighted to share the updates they brought back from our woodland which is in full bloom at the moment!

Our Alder trees have once again surprised us with their growth, reaching almost 18ft and higher. They are starting to make our young woodland look much more than just a field. Our conifer trees are also thriving, nestled among grass teeming with biodiversity. Bees, various insects, wildflowers, and other wildlife can also be seen flourishing this summer, making our woodland a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem.

Having a variety of plants, animals, and insects in our young woodland is very important for us. Different species work together to help the woodland grow healthier supporting pollination and enriching the soil. A biodiverse woodland allows the trees and plants to improve their resilience to disease and extreme weather, making it more successful as it develops.

In our 30-acre woodland, we’ve set aside several pockets for nature to re-wild itself, letting natural processes take over without human interference. We believe this approach is important for the success of our woodland as it allows native plants and animals to flourish, preserving local biodiversity. Rewilding also reconnects fragmented habitats, giving animals the freedom to move and thrive, supporting a balanced and sustainable environment. We’ve already seen the benefits in our woodland: foxes and badgers leaving their trails, birds building nests, frogs finding wet patches to spawn, and much more.

It’s amazing to see how the work of our Woodland Coffee is helping this natural habitat thrive. Thank you to our customers who keep supporting sustainability, biodiversity and positive change!

In the clip below you can also have a look at our woodland from the drone view that was captured during the recent visit.